Lose 10kg weight in one week


lose 10kg weight in one week


If you want to lose 10kg in one week, then here are the steps that will help you achieve it.

Eat more often

  • Eat 6 times a day.

  • Eat more protein and healthy fats.

  • Eat more vegetables, fruits, fiber and water to keep you hydrated throughout the day.

  • Add nuts and seeds as snacks between meals or use them in your smoothies if you’re trying to lose weight fast! They also make great additions to salads too! You can find lots of recipes for snacking on these foods on our website under “Healthy Snacks” section at www.bestdietplansonlineuk​com

Lift weights 3 times per week

Lifting weights is one of the best ways to lose weight and build muscle. Weight lifting burns more calories than any other exercise, which can help you lose a lot of fat quickly.

If you have been looking for an effective way to get rid of your belly fat, then here’s what you need to do:

  • Do full body workouts three times per week. This means that each workout should include exercises that target all major muscle groups in your body (including legs, arms and back). You should also avoid doing just one type of exercise at a time so as not to get bored with them! For example, if you do cardio on Monday morning then lift weights later that day; this gives your muscles sufficient time between sessions before they start adapting again so they continue growing stronger than before!

Lower your carb intake

Carbohydrates are good for you. They're a vital source of energy and have been linked to a wide range of health benefits, including lowering blood pressure and helping with weight loss.

But how much is too much? The answer depends on your goals: if you're trying to lose weight or prevent diabetes, then it's best to cut out all carbs from your diet completely (although this may not be necessary). But if you're trying to gain muscle mass or improve performance at work/school/playtime—or simply feel better overall—then cutting down on the amount of carbohydrate-rich foods that go into your day can help.

Here's what most people don't realize about carbohydrates: even though they're made up of simple sugars like glucose (blood sugar), they still contain lots of calories per gram! So not only do we need more than one serving per day; we also need fewer calories overall when eating them instead!

Make your cardio more efficient

You’re probably not going to get away with doing cardio for 30 minutes on the treadmill, so make sure you do it at a moderate intensity. This can be anything from walking or jogging outdoors, using an exercise bike as long as it doesn't require you to use the same parts of your body for more than 15 minutes at a time (e.g., don't stand on one leg), or doing some light weight training on machines that allow you to use both arms and legs (such as TRX).

You should aim for three sessions per week—at least one session in the morning before breakfast and two sessions after dinner—so that they're spaced out through out the day rather than all happening in one sitting. It's also important that these sessions happen when there's little chance of hunger pangs getting between them; otherwise they'll likely lead too soon into another meal instead of burning off any fat stores themselves!

Eat a high-protein breakfast.

Eating a high-protein breakfast is one of the best ways to lose weight fast. Protein is an important nutrient for muscle repair, blood sugar stabilization, satiety and fat loss. It also plays a role in building muscle and improving body composition.

If you want to lose weight fast but are not sure how to do it or where to start looking for help then read on!

Drink water a half hour before meals.

Drinking water a half hour before meals can help you lose weight. Water helps with digestion, which is one of the first steps to losing weight. It also helps with energy levels and hydration levels, which will increase your metabolism so you burn fat faster than usual! Drinking water also keeps skin healthy, hair healthy and kidney/liver health in check.

Drinking water before each meal can help keep your muscles strong while they’re digesting food - plus it gives them time to recover after meals so that they don't get sore afterwards!

Choose weight loss-friendly foods (see list).

  • Choose weight loss-friendly foods (see list).

  • Eat a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner.

  • Avoid snacking between meals if you can help it. Snacks can be high in calories and fat and should be saved for post-workout snacks or as an occasional treat.

Eat soluble fiber.

Soluble fiber is found in oatmeal, beans and apples. It helps to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, which can help you lose weight. It also reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes by controlling the amount of insulin your body needs to function properly.

Walk everywhere.

  • Walking is a great way to get some exercise.

  • Walking is good for your health.

  • Walking is good for your mental health.

  • Walking is good for your physical health.

  • Walking is good for your social health (you can meet new people and make new friends).

Get off the couch and enjoy some low-intensity activities.

Exercise is the best way to lose weight, but it’s also a great way to stay fit. To get the most out of your workouts and improve your fitness, here are some tips:

  • Make exercise a part of your daily routine by setting aside time each day for physical activity. For example, if you don’t have time on Monday or Wednesday mornings for a workout, then make sure that you schedule something in during those days instead—whether it's walking around town or taking an early morning jog around the neighborhood park!

  • If you struggle with motivation while working out at home (or even just doing basic exercises), try using an app like MyFitnessPal® where users can track their progress over time and share their results with others online via social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter so others can see how far along they've come when compared against themselves earlier in life before trying something new like losing weight quickly without spending hours every week exercising hard outside only getting stronger muscles instead."

Recommendations include eating a protein rich breakfast, cutting down on carbs and doing more exercise

To lose weight, you should eat a protein rich breakfast and drink water half an hour before meals. Choose weight loss-friendly foods (see list), including fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Soluble fiber can help fill you up so that you don't overeat during dinner.

As for exercise, walking is an excellent way to burn calories without getting bored or tired out by it—and it's good for your heart! If possible try walking outside where there are fewer obstructions like trees or buildings in your way; if not then go on the treadmill at least three times per week for 30 minutes each time with no breaks between sessions other than bathroom breaks!


It's very important to remember that weight loss is a long-term process and it takes time. It can take up to two years for your body to adjust to the new diet, so don't give up too soon!


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